Daily Tribune
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Estimated Delivery: 3-5 Business Days
Delivery Times: 5:00 P.M. Wednesday-Friday, 7:00 A.M. Sunday
Published In: Clinton Township, Michigan
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Daily Tribune Subscription Deal Terms
Our newsstand price is $3.25 Daily, $3.75 Sunday. Daily Tribune subscription rates: All subscriptions include All Access (unlimited Web access, mobile apps and our e-paper). Our Wednesday-Friday plus Sunday standard rate for home delivery is $13.50 per week, $3.75 Sunday-only. All home delivered Subscriptions are CONTINUOUS SUBSCRIPTIONS, which means it will automatically renew at the end of its term. You may cancel or modify your Daily Tribune subscription at any time. Notice of cancellation must be provided before the end of the SUBSCRIPTION TERM to avoid charges for an additional term. You may cancel or modify your subscription at any time by calling customer service at 888-977-3677. Your subscription grants you a FULLY PREPAID, NON-REFUNDABLE license to receive and access the subscription materials for the duration of the subscription term. No credit is offered for vacation interruptions. All home delivery subscriptions will be temporarily charged a Supply Chain Surcharge based on your delivery schedule at the rate of $0.15 per delivery day. Your subscription fees will be automatically debited each week for the surcharge and your subscription term will be shortened as a result. The surcharge amount is subject to change. All subscriptions will automatically include the delivery of the THANKSGIVING EDITION and up to 12 SPECIAL EDITIONS. These Thanksgiving and Special editions will be charged at a rate commensurate with the cost of each subscription, but not less than $2.00. This will result in shortening the length of the subscription term unless you notify us that you do not want to receive SPECIAL EDITIONS. To OPT OUT of all SPECIAL EDITIONS, including THANKSGIVING, call customer service at 888-977-3677. To view our arbitration terms, please visit http://local.digitalfirstmedia.com/common/dfm/arbitration.pdf.
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